Holy fair - Holy Grace, Mala on 09,10 & 11 December 2022

Holy Grace Group of institutions presents  Holy fair  on 09,10,11 December 2022. the events includes Mega Exhibition, Auto Expo, Cultural Events, Pet Shows etc....

On Friday 09, December, there will be a General Quiz Competition. No registration fees for the Quiz, but the registration will close on December 07, 2022. Two participants per team is allowed. up to 4 team can be registered from each institution. 

The First Prize - Rs. 8000
The Second Prize - Rs. 5000
The Third Prize - Rs. 2000

Contact Details 8281440832, 8940343100

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Send the details (Arts, Sports, Clubs, Cells, Department, Union etc... activities) to 
thecampuslifeonline@gmail.com or WhatsApp to 97462 64915