The quiz club of St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur organized a quiz based on Indian history on 24 November 2022. Mr.Harith.V.H and Mr.Abhinav. K.R. we're the quiz Masters. The quizzing rounds were filled with information and entertainment. The quiz masters hosted the show in a very interesting manner and students enjoyed it. The quiz had 20 questions on Indian History. There were 17 Teams for participation from various departments of the college. Arunima .v and Edwin Antony secured the first position in the quiz and the second position was secured by Jeevan Espol and Ridhiya .V.Rimson
The prize for the winners was given by Christeena.T.Jose faculty of St. Thomas college. The quiz masters collected feedback from the students at the end of the quiz and Christina V.J quiz club secretary proposed a vote of thanks
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