FDP on Research Methods and Data Analytics @ Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies on September 18 to 20, 2023

The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) of the Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies and Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies aims at the professional development of faculty members of institutions of management education.

Introduction: Research Methods and Data Analytics have become an integral part of almost all areas of the management, social sciences and humanities research. Advancement in computing technology has further raised the importance of data analytics and placed great demands on its applications to complex decision making problems. With the availability of various data analytical techniques and user-friendly analytical software such as SPSS Basic and SPSS Modeler,the ability to analyze large amount of data is not only desirable,but a necessity for academicians and researchers. Advanced data analytical techniques are usually very complex and confusing for beginners and intermediate researchers. The programme will address issues in research methods and data analytics like selection of appropriate analytical tools, right software, interpretation of outputs and effective report writing. The objective of this programme is to emphasize on broad range of techniques available in research methods and data analytics for academicians, practitioners and researchers from inter disciplinary domains.

Objectives : The focus of the FDP in Research Methodsand Data Analysis is on upgrading the teaching and research skills of management teachers and research scholars.

Click here for the detailed brochure 

About Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies :Holy Grace Centre for Research and Development is a Research Centre affiliated to Kerala University of Fisheries and OceanStudies, (KUFOS) Kochi.The Research Center serves the large public and the professional researchers. It puts at the service of users its connections and interdisciplinary relations. It aims at being a platform for research, debate, and dissemination of information.The research purposes are to foresee future problems through pursuit of truth as a "global center of excellence for intellectual creativity", to respond to current social demands, and to contribute to thecreation and development of scientific technologies with the aim of realizing an affluent society and natural environment for humanity.

For more details: 8281454577, 9497273971, 8921182112, 9633708488


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