Vriddhi 2023 Organized @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur by the Department of Economics on August 16-18, 2023

Vriddhi 2023 is a fest organized by the department of economics of S. T. Thomas college (Autonomous) Thrissur. The fest  was filled with a lot  of competitions  and programmes. Fest was Inaugurated  by the assistant collector of Thrissur  Karthik Panigrahi IAS on 16 august 2023 and followed by quiz competition (Seek) for UG and PG students. Quiz master for the quiz was Dr. Sanand Sadanandan . He has organized  quizzes for government and non government organizations.  Many college students participated from various parts of Kerala. On Second day of  the fest  we had  competition of Best Economist Hunt  for promoting passion in economics. We had participants from various parts of Kerala On final day of the feast  we had  seek junior  a quiz program especially for school students. In order to develop passion in economics and in quiz. We had participants from various parts of Thrissur.  

The fest had a food zone, cultural zone , economics  zone , game zone  and lot more. It was filled with a lot of competitions and fun ways to learn economics


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