The Association inauguration "Biopraire 2023" was conducted by the Department of Integrated Biology of St. Joseph's College, Irinjalakuda on 26th September, 2023. Dr. Achuthan C. Raghavamenon, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry, Amala Cancer Research centre inaugurated the function giving the key note address on "Dietary oils in health and diseases". The head of the Department, Dr. Jimtha John C welcomed the gathering which was felicitated by Dr. Binu, the IQAC coordinator and Dr. Jessy Immanuel, Associate professor of Dept of chemistry.
Biopraire Association which was founded in 2020 focuses on the total upliftment of its members in the intellectual, moral and social sectors and to keep them in the realm where academics meets research. The day came to a memorable end with various cultural programmes organized by the students.
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