The PG Department of Commerce, Mercy College, Palakkad presents the much awaited Management Fest "CRESCITA 2K23, Let your talent speaks" which is to be held on 29th Sepetember 2023. The budding talents of each college is cordially invited to participate in the numerous fun filled events. The events are meticulously planned to ignite the light within you. Your constant support and active participation shall be proved fruitful.
Click the links given below 👇
General Rules and Regulations
- Spot Registration starts from 9:30 to 10:00 AM on 29th September 2023
- Scan QR Code for online Registration
- Participants must bring their Id card or consent letter from principal or HOD in college letter pad which is to be presented at the time of registration.
- Participants should carry smart phone with internet facility, laptop etc as per the requirements of respective events.
- Lunch will be provided to all participants.
- Non participants are not allowed inside the campus
- Rules and regulations of the events must be strictly followed
- Coordinators can make any change during the programme
Coordinators: DR. SR. N.M. LOULY : 9447862137 Ms. GOPIKA. S.S : 8075468064, ATHULYA. C : 8078719417 RESHMA. R : 9746628057 DIVYA. B : 8089645895
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