Two-Day Orientation Programme on Ph.D. Course Work @ SD College ALAPPUZHA on October 10 & 11, 2023 by Research Forum, PG & Research Department of Commerce

Research Forum, PG & Research Department of Commerce, SD College, is organizing a Two-Day Orientation Programme on Ph.D. Course Work (PLS-11).

The sessions will be handled by our full-time research scholars.

Four sessions will be conducted on each day in accordance with the syllabus. Sessions are designed in such a way that every module will be covered from an exam point of view. 

📌Day1: Research Methodology

📌Day 2: Research & Publication Ethics

Module-wise PDF notes and a set of previous years’ question papers will be provided. 

We welcome all the Ph.D. course work aspirants to get well-equipped for the upcoming exam.

Click the following links ðŸ‘‡

👉For Registration 

👉For Detailed Brochure


Sumesh. S

Secretary, Research Forum


Amruthambika. P

Joint Secretary, Research Forum


Vishnu Vinod

Treasurer, Research Forum


Date      : 10th and 11th of October, 2023

Fee        : ₹200

Timing  : 10 AM - 4.30 PM

Venue   : Sanatanam Video Conferencing and Recording Studio

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