You are cordially invited to attend the 37 Bishop Vayalil Memorial All Kerala Intercollegiate Quiz on 1 November, 2023 at Alphonsa College Pala. Join us for a gathering of scholarly minds across Kerala. We welcome you to this event organised by the Staff of Alphonsa College and request you to send a team of two from your institution.
Rules and Regulations
- An institution can send ONE team of two members
- The use of mobile phones or any other electronic devices is strictly prohibited
- Replacement of any participant from a team is not allowed after registration
- All participants are required to report at 10:00 am with their college ID cards.
- Questions will be based on general topics
- Details of the rounds will be given at the time of the competition
- Participants must fill the Google Form (for registration) on or before 31/10/2023.
- The decision of the Quiz master will be final.
Click the following links 👇
👉For the Detailed Brochure
👉For Registration
Contact Details : 8281879099, 8921706632
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