INTERCOLLEGIATE QUIZ COMPETITION organizing @ MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery by Research and PG Department of Chemistry


Research and PG Department of Chemistry, MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery organizes  an Inter Collegiate Quiz competition on 27/10/2023 in connection with  International Mole Day celebration._  

Venue : A V HALL 

Time    : 10.30 am  


1. Quiz competition is for the undergraduate students from the affiliated colleges  under the University of Calicut.

2. A team shall have two members. 

3. Two teams can be participated  from each college.

4. Each team has to bring valid ID cards or any other document  from the head of the institution. 

5. Jury's decision is final. 

6. The last date for registration is 22 -10-2023 

7.For successful registration and participation, please click on the quiz link 

Contact Details : 8606218601, 9847312673

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