NATIONAL WORKSHOP SERIES -13 (A Hands - On Guide to Data Analysis) @ Farook College (Autonomous) Kozhikode by the Research Department of Commerce and Management Studies

The Research Promotion Council & Research Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Farook College, Kozhikode organises a National Workshop on “A Hands - On Guide to Data Analytics" on on Nov 23-25, 2023

Registration : Fee: Rs.2000/- 

Registration fee payment : Gpay number - 9895857435

Click the following links ðŸ‘‡

👉 Detailed Brochure 

👉For the Registration 

Student Co-ordinators:  MOHAMMED SHAFEEQ - 9895857435, KHADEEJA FARHANA -     7907294196


  • Introduction to social science research : Research process, formulation of research objectives, concepts, indicators and variables, types of variables. 
  • Fundamentals of statistics: Scales of measurement, nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scale, Types of data and statistical test. 
  • Questionnaire design process, validity, reliability and sensitivity. Samples and sample design: Sampling, sampling error, types of sampling design and sample size determination. 
  • Introduction to statistical softwares: Preaparing data file, entering data, descriptive statistics, graphical analysis, cross tabulation. 
  • Introduction to an Inferential statistics: Hypothesis formulation,steps, type I and type II errors,estimation, p- value approach to hypothesis testing. 
  • Selection of appropriate statistical test: Normality, Parametric test, t-test (One sample, Paired sample and independent sample t test) , analysis of variance (One way anova, two way anova ) Chi-square test ( test of independence, test of goodness of fit, test of homogenity), Pearson correlation, Regression. 
  • Non parametric tests : Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mannwhitney u test, Kruskal Wallis H test, Friedman test.

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