Rev. Fr. John Kizhakedan Endowment National Seminar Lecture Series-2 organizing @ Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Thevara by The Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology, Sacred Heart College, Thevara organizes "Rev. Fr. John Kizhakedan Endowment National Seminar Lecture Series-2" on 'ജനാà´§ിപത്യവിà´°ുà´¦്ധമാà´•ുà´¨്à´¨ à´¸ാà´®ൂà´¹ിà´• ശരീà´°ം - സമകാà´²ീà´¨ ഇന്à´¤്യൻ പശ്à´šാà´¤്തലത്à´¤ിൽ' 'Democracy and Social Body in the Contemporary Indian Context' at 10.30 am on October 26, 2023 at Melesius Hall. 

Resource Person: Shri. Sunny Kapikad - Social activist and speaker 

Click to see the detailed poster 

About the seminar : Democracy in India is at crossroads in the contemporary era as it experiences several twists and turns and faces multi-faceted challenges from various stakeholders. Diversity, tolerance, respect for individual dignity, right to dissent and freedom of constructive political expression - our pillars of democracy are losing ground in our society.

The seminar is an attempt to address the factors facilitating the undemocratisation of the social body which in turn legitimizes the normalisation of electoral autocracy.

About the Department : Post Graduate Department of Sociology at Sacred Heart College(Autonomous) Thevara, established in 1964 is one of the oldest and renowned centres of learning in the state catering to the needs of many generations of students with a rich legacy in contributing to the development of the social, cultural and academic needs of the community.

About Rev. Fr. John Kizhakedan: He worked at the department of Sociology from 1975-'79 and later relocated himself to USA where he serves St. Patrick's Church, Tipton as its Pastor. He also deliberates on issues of religious and social importance.

Contact Details: 9526808061, 7994336963, 7034658316

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