Symposium on Learning City organized @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur by the Departments of Economics, Statistics and Social Work along with Social Action Club

The Departments of Economics, Statistics and Social Work along with Social Action Club of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur organized a Symposium on Learning City on 18th October, 2023 at 10.30 am in Kavipratibha Hall of the College.

Mr Emmanuel Thomas, Head of Department of Economics welcomed the gathering. Principal, Rev. Dr Martin Kolambrath delivered the Presidential address. The keynote address was delivered by Dr Rasmus Lema, Associate Professor, United Nations University, Maastricht. His talk, titled “Green Windows of Opportunity for Latecomer Development” was the 7th International Lecture under the collaboration of Globelics (Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems), KEA (Kerala Economic Association) and KSHEC (Kerala State Higher Education Council).

 Dr C V Krishnan- Sreelakam Lifelong Learning Institute, Dr Ajith Kaliyath- Urban Chair, Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) and Mr Akhil Kurien- Vibrant Community Action Network (VCAN) were the other speakers at the event. Dr. Joy Elamon, Director-General of KILA was the chair for the sessions. Executive Manager, Fr. Biju Panengaden presented mementoes to the speakers. Mr. Jijo Kuruvila, Head of Department of Social Work gave the formal Vote of Thanks.

Mr. Emmanuel Thomas, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Dr. Rani Sebastian, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Mr Jijo Kuruvilla, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work were the coordinators of the programme. Ms Gayathri S Ravindran, Mr C Jayasankar Menon and Mr Abhishek Paul were the student coordinators.

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