Mercy College, Palakkad National Service Scheme Units-06 & 34 in association with Lions Club of Palakkad Heritage City and Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore organised a free Eye test and Cataract Surgery Camp on 04th November 2023 in the College Auditorium. The Camp was organised to identify and address eye related issues in the community and to provide access to medical care and treatment to people who cannot afford it. It was really a wonderful day with full of happiness that we could support more than 190 persons by doing eye testing and screening and with 20 persons selected for free cataract surgery. The Camp was inaugurated by Dr. Sr. Jorry T.F., Principal, Mercy College, Presidential address was by CA Vinoj Menon, President, Lions Club of Palakkad Heritage City. Smt. Mini Babu, Ward Councillor, CA Harish, Former President, Lions Club of Palakkad Heritage City and Mr. Kamalakannan PRO, Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore felicitated the programme. The Camp was led by a team of doctors, nurses and technicians from Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore. The camp was coordinated by Dr.Anu Kuruvila and Dr.Deepa N., NSS Programme Officers with the support of Lions Club of Palakkad Heritage City Members and NSS Volunteers.
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