The PG Department of Commerce, Mercy
College, Palakkad in association with
Yuvakshethra Institute of Management Studies Organized a Student
Exchange Programme Titled “GAMIFICATION” on
21/11/2023 . The event was hosted by Ms Gopika, student of Second year Bcom and
it begun with the prayer by Ms Lakshmi, student of second year Bcom. The event
was inaugurated by Vice Principal, Rev. Dr Joseph Olikkalkoonal. Dr Matilda
Danny, HOD of commerce, YIMS delivered the Presidential Address. Mr Manoj,
Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, YIMS & Ms.Shafeela N,
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Mercy College Palakkad facilitated
the session.
The Resource Persons of the session were Ms Swathi S Iyer and Ms
Aswathi P, first year & second year Mcom students from Mercy College
Palakkad. Ms Remya C and Ms Shafeela N, Assistant Professors, Department of
Commerce, Mercy College Palakkad were Staff Coordinators of the session. The
event coordinators were Ms Mubakshira R, Ms Shasna A, Ms Fasna F, Ms Archana J,
Ms Athulya S and Ms Anagha K students from second year Mcom, Mercy college
Palakkad . The session was benefited to 60 students from second year Bcom
Finance of YIMS. The session denounced successfully at 3:30pm by rewarding the
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