South Indian Dance Fest @ Holy Grace Group of Institutions Mala, Thrissur

The Holy Grace Group of Institutions Mala, Thrissur organizing a South Indian Dance Fest on December 08,2023. With attractive cash prizes

Following are the rules and regulations

One team from one college can participate in this competition

The participating teams should either bring a letter signed and sealed by the Principal on college letter, head, & the identity cards of all the participating students

There is no restriction on the choice of song

All sequence performed on stage must be original.

Obscene language, personal attacks or political attacks will not be allowed and can lead to disqualification.

Minimum number of participants is 5

Maximum number of participants is 20 plus maximum of 2 backstage helpers

Each team will be given a time slot of 10 minutes including performance and stage.


It is mandatory for each to perform a minimum of 5minutes.

All teams should report the venue & handover the details by 01:00pm. Song files should be handed over at registration counter.

Participating teams should register by paying Rs. 3000 of which 2000/- will be refunded after the performance except winners.

For Registration - 

Registration deadline: November 25, 2023

First prize will be Rs.33,333, Second prize will be Rs. 22,222 & the third prize will be Rs.11,111. Participation certificate will be provided for all teams.

Decision of the judges will be final and binding on all participants.

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