TESOL certificat launching program organised by Santhome Institute of Indian& Foreign Languages ( SIIFL) and Research Dept. of English in association with Trinity College, London and Cochin International Academy (CILA), Angamaly

Rev. Dr. Martin KA, Principal inaugurates TESOL certificat launching program organised by Santhome Institute of Indian& Foreign Languages ( SIIFL) and Research Dept. of English in association with Trinity College, London and Cochin International Academy (CILA), Angamaly. The speaker of the programme was Dr. Helen Macilwaine, UK who brought the Trinity College Certificate in TESOL ( Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and who made an elaborate talk on Scope and Demand for English Teachers in Global Education.

It was attended by college teachers, BEd Students, Graduates and Post Graduates in English from different institutions in Thrissur and Research, UG & PG students of our college

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