The Commerce Department of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur presents International Commerce Fest "Amartya'24" on January 2024. The fest includes various competitions with a total prize money of ₹ 150,000. The college with most number of winners out of the all the events will be awarded with overall trophy and tittle.
Click the following links given below 👇
Following are the General Rules and Regulations
- All participants are required to bring their ID cards and authorization letter from respective colleges.
- Participants should ensure strict adherence to the time schedules.
- The committee can make any changes in the schedules / guidelines, if situation demands.
- The organizers of the committee shall not be responsible for any loss of money or personal properties and belongings of the candidates.
- Smoking and consumption of alcohol/drugs are strictly prohibited.
- No catcalls or howling, gyrate movement is tolerated. Any improper behavior or violation of college rules may result in scrapping of points / disqualification of teams / cancellation of prize.
- Any number of teams from a college can participate.
- Cross college participation is not permitted.
Contact details us for more details about the fest: 8606259248, 9847684710, 9946983882
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