INNOVATIVE NANO CRIB COMPETITION @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur By E D Club

As a part of Christmas Celebrations, The Entrepreneurship development club of St .Thomas College (Autonomous) , Thrissur has Conducted Innovative Nano Crib Competition in association with Institutions Innovation Council and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre .The inter departmental competition conducted at Gandhi Smrithi on December 11,2023.

The objective was to create a team spirit among the students and improve their innovative skills in making of crib with in the specified measurements and to create an eco friendly crib with zero plastic.Creative ideas were visualised and cute little cribs were framed by the students. 

The event was orchestrated under the guidance of faculty coordinators Dr. Gini Paul, Dr. Sindhu George, and Dr. Jilna John, with Nandana P R serving as the adept student coordinator. Alwin P S (2nd semester BSc Botony ) won the first prize and the second prize was shared by Ms. Angel Joju ( 2nd semester BSc Physics ) and Mr.Sooraj U S and Jerome K Joju ( 2nd semester B.Com Banking).

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