As a part of the social work curriculum, trainee Social Workers of 1st Year, St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur has conducted a program called ‘SNEHAKOODU’ in order to spend time with the elderly at ‘Bhadani Bhavan Old Age Home’. The old-age home is situated in Kolangattukara, Thrissur. It was established in 2004, and Sr. Rejis Mathew is the mother superior in charge. Currently, there are 24 inmates in the old-age home. Social work trainees have reached the old age home at 9.40 a.m. Trainees actively interacted with the members of the old age home. Several programs were also conducted by the trainees. The technical session was handled by Mr. Marshal C Radhakrishnan (psychiatric social worker ). He gave a detailed session on the government-level benefits for senior citizens and also told about different plans such as the 'Vayoraksha', ‘Vayomithram’, 'Mandhahasam', and ‘Vayomadhuram’ plans. Through this session, trainees were able to understand different kinds of legal procedures for the protection and welfare of the elderly.
After the session, trainees conducted various activities to make the program more enjoyable. The program was coordinated by social work trainees such as Ms. Anna George; a welcome speech was made by Ms. Ashika Farsana; and vote of thanks was given by Ms. Jinja Nixon.Over all the session was informative and day was well spent by the trainees by making their time more productive. We thank the faculty members of Department of Social Work in providing such an opportunity.
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