"Vicharaganga - A Stream of Literary
Reflections" is a collaborative lecture series organized by the Research
Departments of English from St Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Kerala, St Thomas
College (Autonomous) Thrissur and Holy Cross College ( Autonomous )Nagarcoil.
The series aims to create a platform for
intellectual discourse and literary exploration among undergraduate and
postgraduate students of literature, as well as research scholars from all
three participating colleges.
Objectives of the series:
- To courage
meaningful discussions and exchanges of ideas among students and scholars
to deepen their understanding of literature.
- To provide a
platform for diverse literary reflections, bringing together varied
perspectives and insights.
"Vicharaganga" aims to enrich the
literary landscape by creating a vibrant space for literary reflections,
intellectual exchange, and collaboration among the English departments of the
participating colleges. In the Academic year 2023-24, it was envisaged to
conduct four monthly lectures starting from 4 December 2023.
Lecture I
: Resilience and Innovation: Celebrating
the Power of African American Theatre
Person: Dr Anju V.R.
College of Arts and Science, Uduma
The inaugural lecture of the
"Vicharaganga" series titled "Resilience and Innovation:
Celebrating the Power of African American Theatre" took place on the
evening of 5th December 2023 via Google Meet. The event was a collaborative effort
by the Departments of English from St Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur, St
Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur and, Holy Cross College( Autonomous),
Nagarcoil,Tamil Nadu.
The welcome speech was delivered by Jaison
Jose P., Head of the Department, Research Department of English, St Aloysius
College, Elthuruth who expressed gratitude to the attendees and emphasized the
significance of the lecture series. Following the welcome address, Dr. Chacko
Jose P, the Principal of St Aloysius College,Elthuruth delivered the
presidential address, setting the tone for an evening of intellectual
Dr. C.S. Biju, Head of the Department of English, St Thomas College (Autonomous),
Thrissur delivered the inaugural address, providing context for the theme and
highlighting the importance of African American Theatre in the global cultural
The main lecture, "Resilience and
Innovation: Celebrating the Power of African American Theatre," was
presented by the distinguished resource person, Dr. Anju V.R, Assistant
Professor, Department of English, Government College of Arts and Science,
Uduma, Kasargod. The lecture delved into the historical journey of African
American Theatre, its role in promoting resilience, and its contributions to
the innovative spirit within the theatrical realm.
The subsequent discussion was moderated by Dr.
Snow J Sharmila, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Holy Cross College
(Autonomous), Nagarcoil, fostering an engaging exchange of ideas among the
participants. Active discussions explored various facets of the topic, from
historical perspectives to contemporary influences, enhancing the overall
learning experience.
The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks
delivered by Dr. Viju.M.J, Assistant Professor,St Thomas College(Autonomous),
Thrissur, expressing gratitude to the resource person, participants, and
organizers for their contributions to the success of the lecture. Nearly one
hundred students actively attended the lecture. The formal proceedings of the
evening provided a platform for academic enrichment and celebrated the enduring
power of African American Theatre in fostering resilience and innovation.
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