A Seminar on Invasive Plant Species and Control was organized by Department of Botany St Joseph's College for Women, Alappuzha, funded by Kerala State Biodiversity Board on 30/01/2024 at Bakhita Hall. The resource person for Session 1- Dr. T V Sajeev, Chief Scientist, Dept of Forest Entomology, KFRI Kerala. Session 2- Dr. Jose Mathew, Assistant Professor, Dept of Botany, SD College Alappuzha. Students from different colleges participated for the event. The Seminar was conducted by the Coordinator Dr. Diana KJ., Dr. R Nisha Nair( HOD), Dr. Pinkie Cherian& Ms. Elzabeth Thomas. The session was felicitated by KSBB district Coordinator Ms. Sruthi Jose.
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