Prof Jinnah Endowment Lecture and Intercollegiate Quiz @ Mar Ivanios College (Autonomous) Thiruvananthapuram

The Ivanios College (Autonomous), Thiruvananthapuram is pleased to invite you to participate in the event *“Prof Jinnah Endowment Lecture and Intercollegiate Quiz ”* organised by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mar Ivanios College scheduled on *21st February (Wednesday), 2024 at 10.00 a.m.*

This is an annual event organised by the department. This year the topic for the quiz is *“Analysis – Real and Complex”* (Undergraduate level). This event will be an excellent opportunity for the students to expand the horizons of their knowledge.

Prof M.I.Jinnah is a pioneer in the field of Mathematics who worked in the Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala for more than 25 years. This endowment is instituted by Prof Jinnah’s students as a token of appreciation and gratitude for his guidance and academic services.

There is no registration fee for participating in the event. The details are given in the brochure.

Click here for the detailed brochure 

Participants can register for the event

1) by clicking on the following link OR

2) by accessing the QR code below.

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