English translation of Karoor Neelakanta Pillai's Malayalam novel " Gauri" was released @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur

The English translation of Karoor Neelakanta Pillai's Malayalam novel " Gauri" was released today ( 7th Feb. 2024) by Rev. Dr. Martin K.A, Principal of St Thomas College, Thrissur and Received by  Dr. CB Mohandas( Retd. Professor of English, SKVC, Thrissur) and Rev. Fr. Biju Panengaden.

It was translated by iv th semester MA English students and the book was edited by their tutor Dr. Viju MJ. The event was held at Kaviprathibha hall in connection with observance of Charles Dickens Day by the Dept. of English in association with Readers' n Writers' club. 

It was inaugurated by the Principal, felicitated by Dr. C. S. Biju, HoD, prizes of flash fiction and literary quiz competions were distributed by Fr. Biju, and Dr.C. B. Mohandas, RP of the day made a talk on " The Dickens Universe and the Present".Ms. Anamika( MA English ), President of the club welcomed all and Ms. Maria Rose (  MA English ), proposed vote of thanks. The program was attended by UG& PG students , R&W club members, research scholars & faculty.

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