International Conference @ Mercy College Palakkad

PG department of Commerce, Mercy College Palakkad organises an International Conference on Revolutionising Industries:Exploring the Impact of AI on March 14, 2024 

About the Conference

Artificial Intelligence has become increasingly important in today's world as it has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including healthcare, finance, marketing, education, quality management, and more. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a transformative force across various industries, revolutionizing the way businesses operate, make decisions, and deliver products and services. The impact of Al is far-reaching and has the potential to reshape entire sectors with the utmost quality. 

Ensuring quality in Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves addressing various dimensions to guarantee that Al systems are reliable, effective, and ethical. Al in CRM has fundamentally changed how business interacts with their clients and elevated customer engagement, leading to improved customer satisfaction and robust business performance. The impact of Al on industries is continually evolving, with ongoing advancements and innovations. While Al brings about numerous benefits, it also raises ethical and societal considerations, necessitating responsible development and deployment to ensure a positive and inclusive impact on society. The conference aims to impart knowledge to the beneficiaries on the impact of Al in revolutionizing industries.

Click here for the detailed Brochure 


> Papers are invited from the executives, faculty members, research scholars and students from
any discipline. Submit full paper along with abstract in 150-200 words and 4 to 5 keywords in doc. format via email to by 8th March, 2024. The acceptance notification will be sent on or before 10th March, 2024. Publication charges will be intimated to the authors of selected papers for payment
The title of the paper, author (s) name, designation, institution address, mobile number and email id should be mentioned
Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published, presented, or accepted for publication in any other Journal/Seminar/Conference.
> The selected papers will be permitted for presentation in the conference.
> Papers with less than 10% plagiarism will be published in ISBN Edited Book.
> Paper Size must be A4, Margin must be 1.5. Font style must be Times New Roman. Font Size- 12 point (For heading is 14pt). Line spacing -1.5
> Full paper should not exceed 10 pages, do not include page numbers.
> APA style of reference must be followed
> Each author should register separately

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