NATIONAL SEMINAR AND CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY @ Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara, Thrissur on 15th March 2024 | Activities | Colleges | Kerala | India | Campus Life

Department of Computer Science, Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara, Thrissur, Kerala, India is organizing one day NATIONAL SEMINAR AND CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY on 15th  March 2024

Mode of participation :  Offline:  SCAS 

Eligibility: PG Students, Research Scholars, Academicians, and Industry Professionals.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Registration link and brochure are attached with this communication for your reference.

For further details and registration visit website:

Kindly join the WhatsApp group 

Click here for the detailed Brochure 

For any queries, contact

Mr Renjith M.

CTO,Assistant Professor, 


Ph: 9961323222, 8943161232, 9745525222


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