Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Programme of United Nations @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur

The Bhoomithrasena club of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, in association with World Wildlife (WWF), started the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Programme of United Nations on 08.02.2024. The challenge is designed to inspire young individuals to reflect upon their plastic consumption, discover solutions to reduce this consumption and lead change in their homes, communities, institutions and workplaces. 

The initiation of the orientation Programme was done by Dr. Geethu Elizabath Thomas, HOD Botany and orientation talks were given by Ms. Anushreedha SS, WWF Project officer and Ms. Anju VN, TTPC Coordinator, WWF India on the topics “Know Your Plastics” and “Tide Turner's Plastic Challenge”. Mr. Murukan Pareparambil (WWF Programme officer) and Dr Joby Paul, Faculty in charge of Bhoomithrasena Club, coordinated the orientation and 45 club members were registered for the TTPC.

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