BIOSUSTAIN 24 (National Seminar) Organized @ St. Mary's College Thrissur

KSCSTE sponsored National Seminar was organised by Department of Biotechnology,St.Marys college Thrissur on 1st March 2024,with a theme focusing on the Emerging trends in Biotechnology for Sustainable development.The session was inaugurated and seminar proceeding was released by Dr.S.R .Prabagaran ( Prof. Dept of Biotechnology,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu ) followed by a session on Gut microbes and human health .

Dr. P.N Damodaran, Senior Scientist and head,waste management division,IRTC, Kerala discussed various Case studies of Organic waste management and Microbial application in waste management 

The seminar concluded with an inspiring session by Dr. Indumathy Aravind,MD Elies Biotech Pvt Ltd on Women in Bioentreprenurship _ Opportunities and Challenges .

Paper presentation competition under various categories ( Students, Research Scholars & Faculties) were done and prizes were distributed.

Dr. Sr. Beena T L ( Principal,St.Marys College, Thrissur ) Dr.Sr.Meena K Cheruvathoor ( Vice Principal) ,Dr. Ben Raj ( Asst.Prof ,HOD Dept of Biotechnology,Convenor Bio sustain 24 ) felicitated the event .

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