Centenary Memorial National Elocution Competition-2024 (6thEdition) @ St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur

Mar Tony  Neelankavil, our Manager inaugurated Centenary Memorial National Elocution Competition-2024 (6thEdition)  in Menacherry hall today morning (23-02-24) which was hosted by Research& PG Dept. of English.Rev. Fr. Biju Panengaden, Executive Manager & Bursar gave away cash prizes to the winners. Rev. Fr. Dr. Martin K.A., Principal gave a message to contestants during the event. There were 18 contestants from different Arts, Science, Engineering & Veterinary colleges in Kerala.

Jeevan Espol, (final year B. Com ) receiving First Prize  ( Cash+ Certificate ) of Centenary Memorial National Level Elocution Competition from Rev. Fr. Biju Panengaden,

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