International Conference on Revolutionising Industries: Exploring the Impact of AI held on 14 th March 2024 @ Mercy College Palakkad

PG Department of Commerce, Mercy College Palakkad organised one International Conference on Revolutionising Industries: Exploring the Impact of AI held on 14 th March 2024. Dr.R Vekiteswan Narsimma Pandian, Assistant Professor ,Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College Pasumalai, Madurai inaugurated the conference and handled a session on Dimensions of Quality in Al.Principal Dr.Jorry T F given presidential address, Ms Ramya John, HOD of Commerce Welcomes the audiance , Dr.N M LOULY falicitated and Ms.Shafeela N given vote of thanks in the conference. 

Afternoon Session handled by Ms Shirin Veeran , CRM and data manager at Hg& Board of Trustee at Pioneer Educational Trust London,UK on the topic impact of AI in CRM. 150 teachers and students from various institutions attended the conference and among 60 participants presented paper in the conference. Certificates and trophy distributed to the participants.

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