Presenting an innovative product to Hawkins by St. Berchmans College (Autonomous) Changanassery

The representatives from BIMS, St. Berchmans College, namely Georgekutty P Tom and Ribin Joseph, had the privilege of presenting an innovative product to Hawkins. The presentation was made before the esteemed Senior Vice President, Bhalinder Singh Sethi (R&D), and the General Manager of Project Testing, Nithi Kumari. 

Purpose of the Presentation: The primary objective of the presentation was to introduce and showcase an innovative product developed by BIMS to Hawkins, seeking potential collaboration or partnership. The product's features, benefits, and potential contribution to Hawkins' portfolio were key focal points. 

Agenda and Key Highlights: 

1. Product Overview: Georgekutty P Tom and Ribin Joseph provided a comprehensive overview of the innovative product, detailing its design, functionality, and unique selling points. 

2. Market Relevance: The presenters highlighted the market relevance of the product, emphasizing its potential to address specific needs and challenges within the industry. 

3. Technical Details and Innovation: Technical specifications and the innovative aspects of the product were thoroughly explained to showcase its technological advancements and competitive edge. 

4. Benefits for Hawkins: The presentation included a segment on how the product could benefit Hawkins, either by complementing existing product lines, expanding market reach, or contributing to technological advancements. 

5. Q&A Session: A dedicated question-and-answer session allowed Hawkins representatives to seek clarification, inquire about specific aspects of the product, and discuss potential collaboration details.

Response from Hawkins: The Hawkins team, including Senior Vice President Bhalinder Singh Sethi and General Manager Nithi Kumari, provided positive feedback on the innovation presented. They appreciated the thoroughness of the presentation, acknowledging the potential value the product could bring to Hawkins' operations. 

Key Outcomes: 

1. Interest in Collaboration: The Hawkins team expressed genuine interest in exploring collaboration possibilities with BIMS for the innovative product. 

2. Potential Next Steps: Initial discussions were held regarding potential next steps, including detailed technical discussions, feasibility studies, and the formulation of a collaborative framework. 

3. Acknowledgment of Innovation: The innovation presented by BIMS was acknowledged for its relevance and potential impact, aligning with Hawkins' commitment to technological advancements.

The presentation of the innovative product to Hawkins marked a positive and constructive engagement. The interest expressed by the Hawkins team and the acknowledgment of the product's value signifies a promising avenue for future collaboration. Georgekutty P Tom and Ribin Joseph from BIMS demonstrated commendable presentation skills, effectively conveying the merits of their innovation.

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