Home steadfarming

Home stead farming is a method of making yield from the house primises.Through this method a good organic products are made which is good for healthlty life.The saplings that are planted through home stead farming are grown by absorbing water from the ground and   wastes from household,dung of animals etc are taken as manure or fertilizer.Now a day's a lot of health issues are reported by usage of products that are brought from other states which are produced by artificial fertilizers is the main reason behind it.

Through the home stead farming a proper waste management is also made possible.The waste of fruits, vegetable and the wastes that can be deagradable in soil are good manure.The waste water can be flowed  to saplings so it helps  to absorb sufficient water.While developing a  poultry farm ,the dung is taken as manure and  can be taken for meat.A good air and green nature is developed by converting co2 into O2.home stead farming is a good option for the solution for healthlty life to a certain extent.

Reported By: Arshed Abdul Rahim Christ-IJK

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