"Homestead Farming "-for healthy life

It is very essential for our heathy and secure life. It is very cost & Eco friendly one. It enable peoples to secure economic & financial Stability. We get pesticide free vegetables through our own small scale Farming  in our surroundings, people can use Terrace for this by Planting vegetables in grow bags   (Families don't have sufficient yards). They cab earn Income by selling extra Goods in the market, after their own need. If one have cattle, goat,chicken rearing in their house, they can use cow dung etc as bio fertilizers for maintaining the crops efficiently. This is an easy, cost free, eco friendly farming method made them self sufficient, healthier persons.

In the film "How old are you?", the protagonist 'Nirupama'a fellow officer moreover a home maker take initiative to grow pure & healthy vegetables without any chemical fertilizers, and also as a team (include home makers of neighboring houses ) started to achieve their own income by selling pesticide free vegetables to the needy also Nirupama became an inspiration to others for homestead farming.

Thus it is very helpful for creating healthy societies.

Reported By: Sneha Maria Jacob SJC-IJK

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