Homestead farming is a lifestyle

Homestead farming is a lifestyle method where individuals and families follow to produce their own food and crops on a small piece of land. It is often found in the rural areas with the use of manual and minimal use of modern machinery. Common crops and staple grains are mainly grown using this type of farming. 

Homestead farmers may raise livestock such as chickens for eggs and meat, goats for milk, and pigs or cows for meat and dairy products. Animals often contribute to farm sustainability by providing manure for fertilizer. One of the main challenges that can affect the productivity and efficiency of the farming is the weather and pests can impact crop yields. 

This type of farming can be very useful because of the minimal use of chemicals or artificial inputs. Homestead farming emphases on sustainability and self-reliance which makes it a valuable approach to food production.

Report by: Aysha Amanna - SJC-IJK

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