*Through homestead farming it means that producing food to meet the family needs. 

*This can be done in few land, terrace,etc.                 *Homestead farming gives us financial freedom, because if we have farming in our home we will things for our own use and if we enlarge it we can sell it to others.

*Through homestead farming we can produce things (vegetables, fruits etc.) what we like at our house. 

*Homestead farming make us healthier because when we brought fruits,vegetables, etc from markets we don't know if it is good or poisonous. If we have our own farming we can fresh and healthy foods. 

*We can lead a stress free life.Most people are very stressed and busy in our modern world because of their tight schedule. Through farming we can reduce our stress because we're working with nature there is fresh air, greenery which makes us mind cool. 

*Homesteading brings a close connection with nature

Reported By: Anugraha K.S SJC-IJK

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