Homestead Farming

Homestead farming or home gardening is a historical tradition that has evolved in many tropical countries over a long period of time. It is generally  is  a system for the production of subsistence crops for the cultivator and family.Homestead cultivation is less prone to total crop failure than the cultivation of regular field crops, and ensures a sustained series of nutritive harvests. It provides a regular supply of edible harvest that can be bartered or sold. It is very popular in Kerala too.  Homestead is an exemption  to reduce  property tax bill as, depending on state in which live. 

Homestead is to gain a sense of security over basic needs such as food, water, shelter and finances . Some of homestead synonyms are: farm , ranch , place of settlement, home and grounds, farmstead. Homestead gardens are a time-tested local strategy that are widely adopted and practiced in various circumstances by local communities with limited resources in many developing countries and are widely used as a remedy to alleviate poverty and malnutrition. Homestead agroforestry is popularly called homestead production system. It is the integrated production of crops, trees, and livestock in the household's residence and its surrounding areas.

Reported by Isabel Joy - SJC - IJK

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