Survey on the "Pain of Payment"

Welcome to the survey on the "Pain of Payment"! 

I appreciate your participation in this study, which aims to develop a comprehensive measurement scale for understanding the concept of pain of payment in consumer transactions. Your input is invaluable in helping to refine the understanding of this important aspect of consumer behavior.

Instructions for Participants:

1.Eligibility Criteria: To participate in this survey, you must meet the following criteria:

- You must be an income-earning individual.

- You must actively engage in consumer transactions, such as purchasing goods or services for personal use.

2.Survey Completion: The survey consists of several questions designed to assess your perceptions and experiences related to spending money. Please answer each question to the best of your ability, based on your own personal experiences and opinions.

3.Confidentiality: Your responses will remain completely confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your identity will not be disclosed in any publications or reports resulting from this study.

4.Time Estimate: The survey should take approximately 3 minutes to complete. Please set aside enough time to answer all questions thoughtfully.

Thank you for your participation!

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