International day of yoga celebration @ Vimala College (Autonomous)

The international Day of yoga is celebrated worldwide in on June21 every year. It aims to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga for physical and mental well being. The Department of Physical education is collaboration with UGC Centre for women's studies organizing a workshop "know Yourself with yoga" as part of international yoga Day on June 20 at 10.30am in the Amphitheatre.

Resource person HR Vaxerin py, psychologist. The session began with pranayama(breathing exercises) anda meditation session. This was followed by a demonstration of various yoga asanas by trained instructors and students. This instructors also spoke about the importance of yoga for mental and physical well-being. The international Day of yoga celebration at vimala college was a successful event that helped to promote awareness about the benefits of yoga. The event was well-attended and participants enjoyed the different activities 

Reported by athira v satheesh vimala-TCR
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