World Environment Day celebration June 5, 2024

Botany Department and Bhoomithrsena Club of Carmel College (Autonomous) Mala organized a seminar on the topic of "Biodiversity of Western Ghats" in connection with World Environment Day Celebration. Dr. P. S. Udayan, a noted taxonomist and senior consultant at the Kerala Forest Research Institute in Peechi, inaugurated the programme.

Dr. Sr. Rini Mariya, Principal of Carmel College (Autonomous), Mala, presided over the program. Dr. Bindhu K. B., Head of the Department, Dr. Geo Joseph and Dr. Dhanya Thomas T. T   addressed the gathering with their scientific inputs. Students from various |departments were participated in the seminar. Dr. Roby T. J. and Dr. Sr. Sinjumol Thomas coordinated the one day seminar
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