CROSS COUNTRY RACE 2024 @ Mercy College Palakkad

As part of bringing the excitement of the PARIS Olympics 2024 to the campus, a Cross Country Competition was organized in our College on 26/07/2024 at 3pm in the campus, under the leadership of Dr. Sreejith P. A ,HoD of Physical Education, Mercy College, Palakkad. Around 100 Athletes participated in this Cross Country Race. Rev. Dr. Sr. Jorry. T. F., Principal, Mercy College inaugurated the Event by Flagging off the Race.    

Mr. Bhavajan. V, President, PTA, Mercy College, distributed the prizes to the winners. The contribution made by the NCC cadets for the smooth conduct of the competition was immense. 

Sports Coaches and NCC Coordinator and HoD of Economics, Dr. Liji. K. T were present in this program. Ms. Shyny. E. T., HOD of History delivered the Vote of Thanks for the Ceremony after the prizes were distributed.

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