Hai dear teachers
à´•ോà´³േà´œുà´•à´³ിൽ first years à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാർഥികൾക്à´•ാà´¯ി Induction / Orientation à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാà´®ുകൾ നടനുവരിà´•à´¯ാണല്à´²ോ...,
Induction /orientation à´¨ു സഹായകരമാà´•ുà´¨്à´¨
Simple Case studies, GK Quizzes, Current Affairs Quizzes, Assignments, Tasks, Role plays, Mock press, Online games, Offline games
à´¤ുà´Ÿà´™്à´™ിà´¯ à´µ്യത്യസ്തമാà´¯ പരിà´ªാà´Ÿികൾ നടത്à´¤ുà´µാൻ à´¸ാà´§ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ materials / idea തയാà´±ാà´•്à´•ുà´µാൻ www.TheCampusLifeOnline.com à´¶്à´°à´®ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ുà´£്à´Ÿ്
à´¨ിà´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´•ോà´³േà´œിൽ induction program നടത്à´¤ാൻ ഇത് ഉപകരിà´•്à´•ും
Please join our group to get more details about (The Group is Only for the Teachers who are organizing Induction programs in the colleges )
Click to join our group - https://chat.whatsapp.com/DS6FylWTvHm5sCwXm1Gj4e