Be a Business Consultant - MSME seminar @ St. Berchmans College (Autonomous) Changanassery on July 18, 2024 at 1.45pm. Resource Person : Francis Vanjipuzha, MSME CONSULTANT & EDP TRAINER
à´•ോà´³േà´œുà´•à´³ിൽ നടക്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ ഇത്തരം à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാà´®ുà´•à´³െà´•്à´•ുà´±ിà´š്à´šà´±ിà´¯ുà´µാൻ à´žà´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ WhatsApp à´—്à´°ൂà´ª്à´ªിൽ Join à´šെà´¯്à´¯ൂ....
Scrap Wrap by NSS unit of SB college
The NSS unit of SB college is conducting a Scrap Collection Campaign named 'Scrap Wrap' aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness within our college community. I request all the departments to collect their old internal exam papers, projects, record books and other paper waste for this initiative. The NSS volunteers will come to your respective departments to collect the trash.
This project aims to provide housing and support to underprivileged families in our community.
à´•ോà´³േà´œുà´•à´³ിൽ നടക്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ ഇത്തരം à´ª്à´°ോà´—്à´°ാà´®ുà´•à´³െà´•്à´•ുà´±ിà´š്à´šà´±ിà´¯ുà´µാൻ à´žà´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ WhatsApp à´—്à´°ൂà´ª്à´ªിൽ Join à´šെà´¯്à´¯ൂ....