Workshop on titled "How to Publish in Top Tier Journals: Insights & Best Practices"

The workshop titled "How to Publish in Top Tier Journals: Insights & Best Practices" is designed to guide participants through the process of publishing their research in high-quality, reputable journals. It is scheduled for Sunday, 10 November 2024, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM and will be conducted online.

Key details about the workshop:

Speaker: Neenu C, a Senior Research Fellow at Farook College (Autonomous), Kozhikode, and the First Rank Holder in the Kerala PSC Assistant Professor in Commerce Exam.

Key Takeaways:

How to choose the appropriate journal for your research.

How to verify the quality of journals and avoid predatory journals.

Ethical considerations in academic publishing.

Manuscript preparation guidelines.

How to submit papers effectively.

Key points to remember during the publication process.

How to handle feedback from reviewers.

Workshop Fee: ₹200, with a payment option available through UPI.

E-certificates will be provided to all participants upon completion.

For further information, interested participants can contact via WhatsApp at the numbers provided on the poster.

This workshop is ideal for researchers, scholars, and academicians aiming to understand the critical elements of successful journal publication.

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